Thursday 18 January 2024

New Arabic Classes & Courses During 2024

 Assalamu Alaykum  (السلام عليكم) Everyone!

Welcome ( أهلا وسهلا)!

New Lessons During 2024

I decided to take a break during December 2023 and part of January 2024.  What can I say?  I just needed to recalibrate and re-energize for the New Year!

As mentioned before, I decided to produce more video & audio lessons, more frequently during this year, In-Sha-Allah!  I shall therefore use less transitions & effects in future in order to accomplish this goal.  Those students who are following the Enjoy Arabic - Book One Video Lessons, may access the text, i.e. the pages of the book via the Enjoy Arabic Blog (See Pages: Lesson One, etc. on Right Pane).  I'll continue to share the text Lessons in advance for the benefit of those who wish to study ahead & not be slowed down by the Video Lessons.  It is however advisable to still watch the videos, when they are shared, in order to internalize the concepts. 

I shall also conduct a number of short courses during this year for those who wish to attend classes in person.  I am awaiting confirmation on a venue in the Athlone area (in Cape Town, South Africa).  Once confirmed, I'll announce the course/s that I'll be presenting.  These courses will probably start mid-February 2024.  Students who cannot attend at the venue, may register to take the course via WhatsApp.

I shall also be sharing a New Read Arabic Course, aimed at complete beginners. The focus of this course shall be Reading & Writing Names in Arabic.  This course will be suitable to all beginners (even those who cannot read a single letter in Arabic), irrespective of age! 

Students who wish to Speak Arabic, may visit my Speak Arabic Today blog .  I'll be sharing those lessons via this platform as well.  I also intend to share the audios soon, in-Sha-Allah!

Please make dua that all these will be accomplished in due course!