Wednesday 13 March 2024

New Arabic Classes During 2024

New Arabic Classes During 2024

Assalaamu Alaykum Everyone

Welcome back to studying the Most Amazing Arabic Language

Let me first of all apologize to those of you who had hoped that we would start earlier in the year (Mid-February, as I intended), but that has not materialized.  Apologies once again.  I also mentioned that I intend to conduct a number of short courses for those who prefer attending classes in person, but that has also not materialized as yet.  One of the problems was that I had hoped to make use of a new venue, but the mosque in question was in the process of appointing a new imam, so they have still not come back to me regarding the request to use their premises...  I will probably only start conducting face-to-face classes later in the year (from July 2024)  

So, what's the next step:  Since it's Ramadhaan, I've decided to try my best to produce more Arabic Video lessons.  I however decided to change my WhatsApp number for those who wish to be part of the Enjoy Arabic WhatsApp Group, since the last number had been giving me problems since the word go:  The new number is +27645571201 .  Please save this number as a contact under Ustaadh At-Tayyibah or Enjoy Arabic More.  It is important that you save the number as a contact on your device, to prevent problems between us communicating via this service.  If you have my personal number (+27720191949), remember that number will not be for use regarding the Arabic Classes & Courses in future - so, please add the new number as requested.  Shukran 

What's Next? First of all, I'll restart the Enjoy Arabic More programme for the sake of new students & those who would like to revise.  I will therefore resend all the links sent during last year during this week and next week (i.e. the first two weeks of Ramadhaan: The month of Fasting).  Thereafter I will start sending the New Video Lessons.   I'm also hoping to start sending the Video Lessons of the New Read Arabic Course:  Reading & Writing Names in Arabic from next week, In-Sha-Allah!  The course is aimed at Absolute Beginners who cannot read Arabic at all!  Each lesson will introduce a few names (of people or places).  The student will then be shown the Arabic writing of these names.  Only certain letters/ sounds in these names will be highlighted to be learnt during the lesson.  The meanings of the names and more info about the letters/ sounds will be given towards the end of the lesson.  Students who can already read the Arabic script, should also find these lessons interesting, since it will teach them about writing names in Arabic (a subject which is normally not covered extensively during traditional Arabic Classes).  They will also be able to use these Video Lessons to help friends and family members who cannot read the Arabic Script.

To find out more about the Enjoy Arabic More programme, please visit: Enjoy Arabic More.

Shukran, wa-Salaam!