Saturday 3 August 2024

New Read Arabic in a Matter of Minutes!

Assalaamu Alaykum Everyone!

A little over a month ago we launched a New Programme: Read Arabic in a Matter of (3-5) Minutes!

Al-hamdu-lillah, thus far 15 of these short 3-5 minute Video Lessons are available via Our YouTube Channel: At-Tayyibah School of Arabic 

These lessons are primarily for those who want to learn to Read Arabic in general, as well as those who want to Read Al-Quran.  The big difference to the many other Read Arabic Programmes available is that most other programmes tend to teach the reading of all the letters of the Arabic Alphabet first, then they introduce Tajwid (The Science of Beautifying Quran Reading).  Most of these programmes do not attempt to teach the Arabic Language though, so they do not give translations of the words, nor do they give sentences.  On the other hand most the programmes and apps that do attempt to teach Arabic as a language, do not bother to teach the alphabet (or they do not do so in a systematic manner).  

These programmes mentioned above are fine for specific learners who only want to learn those specific skills, we however discovered that there are many people who cannot seem to learn much from them, therefore they still cannot read the Arabic Script or they read Al-Quran fluently (some with beautiful Tajwid), but they do not have much understanding of the Arabic Language.

Our Read Arabic in a Matter of (3-5) Minutes Programme differs from these in a number of respects:

Please click here to read more: 

Wednesday 13 March 2024

New Arabic Classes During 2024

New Arabic Classes During 2024

Assalaamu Alaykum Everyone

Welcome back to studying the Most Amazing Arabic Language

Let me first of all apologize to those of you who had hoped that we would start earlier in the year (Mid-February, as I intended), but that has not materialized.  Apologies once again.  I also mentioned that I intend to conduct a number of short courses for those who prefer attending classes in person, but that has also not materialized as yet.  One of the problems was that I had hoped to make use of a new venue, but the mosque in question was in the process of appointing a new imam, so they have still not come back to me regarding the request to use their premises...  I will probably only start conducting face-to-face classes later in the year (from July 2024)  

So, what's the next step:  Since it's Ramadhaan, I've decided to try my best to produce more Arabic Video lessons.  I however decided to change my WhatsApp number for those who wish to be part of the Enjoy Arabic WhatsApp Group, since the last number had been giving me problems since the word go:  The new number is +27645571201 .  Please save this number as a contact under Ustaadh At-Tayyibah or Enjoy Arabic More.  It is important that you save the number as a contact on your device, to prevent problems between us communicating via this service.  If you have my personal number (+27720191949), remember that number will not be for use regarding the Arabic Classes & Courses in future - so, please add the new number as requested.  Shukran 

What's Next? First of all, I'll restart the Enjoy Arabic More programme for the sake of new students & those who would like to revise.  I will therefore resend all the links sent during last year during this week and next week (i.e. the first two weeks of Ramadhaan: The month of Fasting).  Thereafter I will start sending the New Video Lessons.   I'm also hoping to start sending the Video Lessons of the New Read Arabic Course:  Reading & Writing Names in Arabic from next week, In-Sha-Allah!  The course is aimed at Absolute Beginners who cannot read Arabic at all!  Each lesson will introduce a few names (of people or places).  The student will then be shown the Arabic writing of these names.  Only certain letters/ sounds in these names will be highlighted to be learnt during the lesson.  The meanings of the names and more info about the letters/ sounds will be given towards the end of the lesson.  Students who can already read the Arabic script, should also find these lessons interesting, since it will teach them about writing names in Arabic (a subject which is normally not covered extensively during traditional Arabic Classes).  They will also be able to use these Video Lessons to help friends and family members who cannot read the Arabic Script.

To find out more about the Enjoy Arabic More programme, please visit: Enjoy Arabic More.

Shukran, wa-Salaam!

Thursday 18 January 2024

New Arabic Classes & Courses During 2024

 Assalamu Alaykum  (السلام عليكم) Everyone!

Welcome ( أهلا وسهلا)!

New Lessons During 2024

I decided to take a break during December 2023 and part of January 2024.  What can I say?  I just needed to recalibrate and re-energize for the New Year!

As mentioned before, I decided to produce more video & audio lessons, more frequently during this year, In-Sha-Allah!  I shall therefore use less transitions & effects in future in order to accomplish this goal.  Those students who are following the Enjoy Arabic - Book One Video Lessons, may access the text, i.e. the pages of the book via the Enjoy Arabic Blog (See Pages: Lesson One, etc. on Right Pane).  I'll continue to share the text Lessons in advance for the benefit of those who wish to study ahead & not be slowed down by the Video Lessons.  It is however advisable to still watch the videos, when they are shared, in order to internalize the concepts. 

I shall also conduct a number of short courses during this year for those who wish to attend classes in person.  I am awaiting confirmation on a venue in the Athlone area (in Cape Town, South Africa).  Once confirmed, I'll announce the course/s that I'll be presenting.  These courses will probably start mid-February 2024.  Students who cannot attend at the venue, may register to take the course via WhatsApp.

I shall also be sharing a New Read Arabic Course, aimed at complete beginners. The focus of this course shall be Reading & Writing Names in Arabic.  This course will be suitable to all beginners (even those who cannot read a single letter in Arabic), irrespective of age! 

Students who wish to Speak Arabic, may visit my Speak Arabic Today blog .  I'll be sharing those lessons via this platform as well.  I also intend to share the audios soon, in-Sha-Allah!

Please make dua that all these will be accomplished in due course!

Friday 27 October 2023

Faster Results in Learning Conversational Arabic!

 Assalaamu Alaykum Everyone!

I have decided on a new approach to the presentation of the Enjoy Arabic More programme.  In future, after the presentations (videos) of  Lesson Two - from Lesson Three onwards, I shall present the Reading and Writing exercises separately from the Vocabulary & Sentences.  So, I shall initially concentrate on the latter (Vocabulary & Sentences), in order to expedite the Conversational aspect of the Enjoy Arabic programme.

I believe this will yield faster results, since it seems evident, judging by the difference in views that most people who are currently following the programme, are more interested in communicating in Arabic. 

Those students who still lack the skills in Reading Arabic, should concentrate on  improving that skill by following my current Read Arabic Today programmes.  I have provided a complete programme (in pdf format), which is available via the Enjoy Arabic More blog (EAMB), as well as my dedicated Read Arabic Today blog. The Read Arabic Today Video Lessons are based on the original programme, but does not follow it strictly.  In fact by following the Video Lessons,one should improve both the Reading and Understanding of what is read faster.  All the videos that have been produced thus far, are currently also available via the EAMB

Those students (who lack the Read Arabic skills) can still follow the current programme, since it is in video format, hence all words are shown and read.  In addition to this all new vocabulary are introduced with transliterations as well.  

Finally, in order to produce the videos faster, I will have to reduce the amount of animations (which I prefer not to do, but it will have the desired result).

Please make dua that Allah Almighty grant me the energy, strength & conviction to complete these programmes in the shortest possible time.

I trust everyone will be happy with this!

PS:  My aim is to present my Speak Arabic Today & Understand Al-Quran courses in Video Format during 2024, In-Sha-Allah!

Enjoy Arabic More!

Wednesday 25 October 2023

Welcome to the Information & Messages Page (Enjoy Arabic More)

Assalaamu Alaykum Everyone!

We welcome all the new visitors & friends to this blog!

Let's once again introduce you to the new Enjoy Arabic More Blog.  Remember the purpose of this website/ blog is to help newcomers to the Arabic language to learn this beautiful language.

Our primary aim is to guide you through the journey of learning Arabic via the Enjoy Arabic books.  We shall, however also refer you to other books, videos, sites, etc. to help you through this journey, In-Sha-Allah!

Please feel free to click on all the page links at the top of this site (Enjoy Arabic More).  

If you click on the More... link, you'll see more pages.

Perhaps the most significant page is the Information & Messages Page.  On this page you'll see all the WhatsApp messages previously sent to students/ friends who are part of the Enjoy Arabic WhatsApp Group.  If you are not part of this group, you can use the invite link to invite yourself - which is also found on this page.   This invite link can also be used to invite others to this group.  Remember when inviting yourself or your friends to this group - the most important requirement is to identify yourself: you therefore have to submit your full name (i.e. first name/s and surname).

Besides the WhatsApp Messages, you'll also find a list of very useful links to valuable information, more blogs, books and video lessons on this page.  Here's a list of the current links you'll find. (Remember this list will be updated as new materials become available):

Please explore these links to access all this information.


Tuesday 12 September 2023

Enjoy Arabic More!

Assalaamu Alaykum Everyone! 

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Yes, we've launched our new Website/ Blog: Enjoy Arabic More!

Below you'll find our introductory video to the course: Enjoy Arabic More!, which has been designed for Beginners to Arabic -Young & Old!  Yes, friends, the Enjoy Arabic - Book One, on which this course is based, was originally written for young learners: Young in Age or Young at Heart!

Many schools and madrasahs ("Muslim Schools") have been using this text to introduce their learners to Arabic over the last two and a half decades.  Now, we've decided to bring the text to life with videos and very colourful animations!

Have a look! Enjoy Arabic More - Introduction


Tuesday 29 August 2023

Final 2023 Dates for New Courses

 Assalaamu Alaykum Everyone ( السلام عليكم للجميع )


The FINAL new dates are as follows:

1.  FREE Read Arabic & Al-Quran VIDEO Course (currently available since 5 June 2023 via YouTube).  Those who wish to take this course can find the videos via:  At-Tayyibah YouTube Channel

2.  Beginners Arabic/ Enjoy Arabic - Book One

     DATE: STARTING during 11-15 September 2023;

3.  Beginners Speak Arabic Today [SAT]

     DATE:  POSTPONED - New date To Be Announced in November/ December 2023

4.  Understand Al-Quran [UNQ]

     DATE:  To Be Announced in 2024

To REGISTER:   Click the word REGISTER       

For more information: MORE INFORMATION